Thursday, July 30, 2009


1st step: acceptance
2nd step: action

It feels good trying to rid myself of all the baggage and thoughts and overall negativity I don't need. I'm nowhere near being 100 percent done with all of it, but slowly and surely, I'm getting there. More than likely I will fail, and more than likely you will see this blog in some way shape or form again, but at least I'm being honest.

And with that said, I'm becoming less afraid to write in this. Sometimes honesty is better than anything else when it comes to blogging in these things and sometimes insecurity, jealousy, and vain-ness, had taken its place over honesty in the past. I know I've said this before, but I'm not perfect, and I'm still trying.

Recently, I've had to rethink pretty much my entire life--okay okay maybe it's not that dramatic---but a huge part of myself, nonetheless. I didn't think things would ever come to this, but it did. Minor obstacles that were similar to this always came along, but we always got through it. Which was how it should be because blood is thicker than water. However, I need to take ACTION and know that when people cause me more sadness and hurt than they do happiness, I can't allow them to be around me. I can't do that to myself. I get sad. I become bitter. Then, that turns to anger, and things are said, things are regretted..etc. I just can't do that to myself anymore. So, whoever it is, no matter the relationship, I'm letting go.

At least, I'm trying my hardest, and so far things are going well.

On a brighter note, I raped my physiology class. :) AND I'll be San Diego bound in approximately 10 hours. I'll be surrounded by good people, including my parents, my sister, and the boyfriend.

That is all. :)

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Current Listen: Dumpweed - Blink 182
Current Read: The Time Machine - H.G Wells (again)