Wednesday, October 31, 2007

silly of me to think that i...

and no.. the rest of the song does not apply...

here i am, trying to study for my physics test tomorrow, but i can't because like i said, this happens every once in a while. times like this makes me hate how i have to write anonymous blogs. i used to be able to express myself freely without feeling insecure about what people think about what AND how i'm writing. when writing in my public, everyone knows about, journal, its more of a i did this, then this, then this, type of entry. no deep shit.

not like this is deep either.
oh...btw. happy halloween.

yeah, happy.

mine was spent giving out the candy. the inside looking out.
huh, what a concept.
but that is the story of my life.

help me figure me out.
that's all.

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