Monday, November 5, 2007

managing expectations

that's a common phrase used among my cousins.
simply put, don't get our hopes up. it's really not that hard.

i used to be VERY negative. actually, i still am most of the time. everyone always told me to think positive, blah blah, this and that. but i always thought that it only sets you up for disappointment. if you think negatively, then when something bad happens, you expected it, and if something good happens, then you ultimately feel happier, yeah?

well, that's basically what i mean by managing my expectations. don't make me expect something, only to disappoint me in the end. i'd rather just think it's not gonna happen even if it might still happen.

i deno. excuse me while i ramble..

all i know is that i can't wait until saturday.
i'm still trying to find that piece of mind.

that's all.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

when the bad turns into good..

as it always does..i know.
but sometimes the waiting gets a little old.

anyway, theres nothing like a movie with your boyfriend and your parents that makes the transition from ugly to beautiful very easy.

thank you, life.
i love you.

for now..

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

silly of me to think that i...

and no.. the rest of the song does not apply...

here i am, trying to study for my physics test tomorrow, but i can't because like i said, this happens every once in a while. times like this makes me hate how i have to write anonymous blogs. i used to be able to express myself freely without feeling insecure about what people think about what AND how i'm writing. when writing in my public, everyone knows about, journal, its more of a i did this, then this, then this, type of entry. no deep shit.

not like this is deep either.
oh...btw. happy halloween.

yeah, happy.

mine was spent giving out the candy. the inside looking out.
huh, what a concept.
but that is the story of my life.

help me figure me out.
that's all.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

am i missing?

it happens every once in a while.
nostalgia, minor depression, the thought of what-if's.

like the teacher in Peanuts says "wah, wah wahh.."
really, though.. can't a girl just be happy, content. it's not like i don't want to be. believe me, i WANT to be. but i put on a front. i want everyone to think i'm happy. like it's a competition on who really is the happiest.


and dont get me wrong, it's nothing to do with the significant other. oh no.
if anything, that's the only thing keeping me going.

damn, there was just an earthquake.
hope everyone's okay.
that's all.