Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Jason Reeves...STARSTRUCK!

Today, James took me to go see one of our favorite music artists -- Jason Reeves at the Great American Music Hall. I re-fell in love with him after seeing him live. He's like Jason Mraz. Actually, he's a girl version of Colbie Caillat. They, in fact, are a duo. He helps write her songs. She got famous and left him behind! But that's my opinion and a whole other story and post I could get into later on. Anyway, I STILL LOVE YOU JASON, WITH OR WITHOUT COLBIE!

Jason Reeves wasn't even headlining. It was actually Jon McLaughlin, which I'm sure you've all heard of. He's pretty good too. An amazing pianist. BUT, I was there all for Jason Reeves. The concert was incredible. He's so humble up there on stage. He couldn't stop saying how San Francisco is his favorite city on earth. He said he wasn't even just saying it to suck up either! I believe him. Man, he was just so cool up on stage. It made me feel like I wanted to be his bestest friend ever. The crowd was great too. You could pick out the handfull of people who were truly fans of Jason Reeves and were there for him. We all sang along---it was great. I took many videos and pictures, but i'll let you hear one of his best songs, Just Freinds (sorry for the sideways-ness).

At the end of the concert, James and I stood at the merch table. We got to meet him, get autographs signed, and take pictures! I was so nervous. He's so cute, talented, and friendly! Like I said before, standing there talking and joking with him made me feel like I could be hist friend!

But, other than amazing talent, I got to spend quality time with my love. It was nice, since he had been gone in Vegas for a while. I love going to concerts with him =]

So heres to an incredible night. Cheers!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Laziness and Procrastination

I still have not uploaded the girlpictures of this summer that the older girl cousins of our family take every year. Usually, by now, one of us would have posted them up already. But, we're all lazy to scan them. They're nice too. Jeez.

But anywho, I should have time now that James is on vacation and Lito is leaving this Friday. Summer has been very busy. Today, we went to Monterey. Boy, is love in the air over there at the aquarium. We were able to see starfish and penguins in the act of reproduction today. While the penguins were just entertaining, the starfish were actually quite passionate. They were intertwined, stuck together, and staying together despite that waves crashing on them. Beautiful. If only the significant other could have been there.

My sister has also turned 21 since the last time you heard from me. Not only a big step for her, but a big step for my parents as well. They are learning, though very slow I might add, but they are learning how to let go. They actually let my sister get drunk on her birthday. WOW. Now, to most, that shouldn't be an action to be surprised about. But, if you know my parents, your jaw has probably dropped reading that. To the left is all the alcohol they actually bought themselves. Yes, that is 151. They didn't know how bad that was though. They bought it simply because it was in the recipe for some Caribou Lou. Haha. To the right, four out of five of the girls who take the cousin pictures. The one on the very left is the new 21 year old, herself. BEFORE she passed out.

Now, the only BIG things left for summer include the Jason Reeves and Jon McLaughlin concert with James. Also, the Philippines with my family. After that, it's off to Saint Mary's to become a Nurse! It gets more and more exciting, and more and more frightening at the same time.

Oh, what a feeling.

You know me and my need to throw out my current music and books:
Listen to Jason Reeves
Read The Host

Sunday, July 13, 2008

"i'm gonna fail at life. this is the test!"

who knew playing monopoly would spark up a new topic for my blogging delight.

my sister, alex, james, danelle, and myself were playing monopoly two nights ago. it was danelle's first time ever playing REAL monopoly as opposed to monopoly junior. speaking as a newbie myself, i think it's safe to say that monopoly can be a really complicated and difficult game. not because you need top notch strategy, but because your wealth depends almost 90 percent on the luck of the dice. monopoly is also filled with temptation and peer pressure while the other players try to trade you properties for their own personal gain, sometimes screwing you over in the end.

danelle was overwhelmed by the middle of the game, not knowing whether she should trade certain things, or what not. finally, giving in to what alex and james said to trade certain properties for others (which, i have to say, did look like the best thing she could have done at the time) she lead herself to bankruptcy and ultimately to her downfall. at which point she uttered the quote written in the title of this entry.

we all laughed hysterically at what she said because she said it so seriously. but it really got me thinking.

i know, i know, how cliche is it to connect a game to real life. but damn, are some people just unlucky in life or what? i mean, i am a strong believer in karma. at least, i'm a strong believer in hoping karma really happened. but how does that explain when good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people. you can't deny that. it happens. i think, some people are lucky and some are unlucky. but in the end, how you, as a person, react to what is happening to you, i think that is what makes you who you are and what makes your life good or bad or whatever, but what makes it your life.

i do firmly believe, however, that everything happens for a reason. whether i'm right or not, i don't really know. after all, monopoly is just a game.

anyway, top 5 things i've done this summer:

  • graduate
  • hookah!
  • have james' family fall in love with me =]
  • take girl pictures for the 6th time in a row
  • disneyland with my bestfriend!

pictures and such are on myspace and facebook, if you're interested.

anyway, life really is like a box of chocolates...

Friday, July 11, 2008

starting new.

if you've read my old posts, you would know that i began making this a secret journal.

screw that.

i'm over it. i don't think i really care anymore who reads this. all i know is that i miss writing in a journal. and whether you hold anything i write against me or not, i'm still gonna write. it's been a while. but long summer nights, when you should be sleeping but you're not, you start to think. and what better to do than type your thoughts down in a journal. so here goes.

who ever said that the summer after you're senior year is the best by far, was by far wrong. don't take me the wrong way, i have and always will love summer. but, the summer after your senior year is a bittersweet, more towards the bitter, time of the year. think about it. yeah, you get to start new, be on your own, meet new people, etc. etc. but, no matter how unpopular you were in high school OR how crappy of a time you had, you miss the people you've been with for almost 12 years, assuming you haven't moved. after high school, real life starts. you can't hide in high school anymore, relationships with anyone are tested, it's just a whole bunch of obstacles one after the other, coming at you. you think high school is full of drama, the voices inside my head keep telling me: you ain't seen nothing yet.

besides, i've never been a big fan of change.

with that said, i've been obsessing over spending every minute of every day, as much as possible, with james. we've been through a lot, but i'm not excited about the distance that will soon be between us. we've worked out schedules and times to see each other next year, but, i'm not gonna lie. i'm scared shitless.

anyway, looking for some new music to listen to or books to read?
my current music: adele
my current book: omnivore's dilemma

yours truly,
ennaliag. haha get it?