Monday, August 11, 2008

Maybe Not

I guess I don't have as much time as I thought I would to post pictures and blog.
But, I promise you will get some entries about the Philippines.

Maybe, I'll do sections. My first week, then my next.
Maybe not.

But, I do know that so far it's been a fun trip. Being in the high end of the Philippines though, I still somewhat feel like I'm in the states. Later this week I will be going to the province area which will give me a more cultural experience.

Anyway, until then, you just have to wait with patience for my full blown ramblings about the Philippines.

BTW, I'm not gonna put it in my things to read (although you should) but i just finished the Twilight Saga. No matter what ANYONE thinks about the stupidity of vampires and werewolves, I LOVE IT. Just thought I'd throw that out there.


Read: I don't Mean to Be Rude, But... by Simon Cowell
you don't expect it to be good but it is.

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