Thursday, February 26, 2009

Here, you can be anything and I think that scares you..

...and with that opening lyric, it's easy enough to guess that..

Now this might not be a big deal to everyone else. But for me, it's a huge deal. Here's why:

Even though Dashboard Confessional will always and forever be the band that brought me and James together, I gotta give a little credit to Jimmy Eat World. Clarity was the first CD that he burned for me. :)

Also, the song that I quoted in my title is maybe the best Jimmy Eat World song ever. It brings back so many memories, and you know me, I'm on a nostalgia high. Not to mention, it's James' favorite Jimmy Eat World album, as well as mine.

Lastly, this is like a once in a life time deal! There's only 10 shows in this tour and I am going to be at one of them. It's the 10 year anniversary so they're playing the entire album from start to finish. And if you all have heard this album it's so musically intricate that it's gonna be
amazing seeing it live.

Damn, can you say EXCITED?!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I was reading my old Xanga and LiveJournal and I got really sad. I used to write all the time. Now when I come to this blank posting page, nothing ever comes to mind. Maybe I did more interesting things back then? Maybe I was less insecure? I'm older now. Aren't I supposed to do more interesting things now? Shouldn't I be more secure with myself. Aren't I supposed to be 'wiser'? That's what's depressing. Because, apparently I'm not. On the brighter side...maybe I'm just too busy to write. Or, maybe I don't have as much problems as I once did.

Either way, I used to go straight to my online journal right when I got home sometimes posting twice a day. Now, I'm lucky if I get two entries a month. So, I'm on a mission (once again) to try to post more. This season of Lent, I will try to do that as well as my vegetarianism and my self-improvement...

What do I need to improve, you ask...?

Things I need to work on:
1. Being more understanding.
2. Being less selfish
3. Patience (although you would think by now, I'd be pro at that..)
4. Being less envious of little things.
5. I always let things get to me. I'm weak in that way, and I need to stop.
6. Strengthen my faith

I'd like to think that I'm a better person than I was before..but at times thinking about the way that I am now compared to before, it doesn't seem like it. With that said, this is going to be a very busy Lenten season for me. Wish me luck.

I can't shake the feeling of nostalgia that I've been since I read my old online journals. I'm even listening to really old music thus enhancing the experience. It makes me sad and happy at the same time. Damn you, nostalgia. I can't figure out how you're supposed to make me feel.
_ _ _

Anyway, today's mass was very rejuvenating. I miss going to confirmation, being a leader, and going on retreats (great more nostalgia). I need to take extra time to start building up my faith again. Especially considering all the stuff that's going on right now. It's just that school is so damn time consuming, you know? And if it's not school, it's work. And if it's not that, then I'm catching up on sleep. Maybe that's what it was. Maybe I just had much more time on my hands back then. Maybe I don't have time to reflect on my day and myself anymore. Damn, I feel old.

Man, I have a lot of things to do to better myself. And it's going to start now. Take this as a sworn statement. And if I don't follow through, quote me on everything I'm saying here and MAKE me.

But now, I have to go back to reading Lucretius and his opinion about the universe. Oh, JOY.
_ _ _ _

That's all.

Current Read: Lucretius - On The Nature of The Universe
Current Listen: Something Corporate - Punk Rock Princess

Monday, February 23, 2009

Life sucks...and then you die.

This week has not been the best. By far. So much gloomy shit is going on not excluding the weather. The sun better come out soon, both literally and symbolically, because I don't know how much more I can take.

Besides my personal problems, there is so much other bad going on that it makes me feel so ignorant and naive thinking about how much my problems are so minuscule compared to what is really going on. Things aren't fair and life really is too short. The things that really matter better be on top priority because you don't know when it will be taken away. Sometimes things happen that make you re prioritize your life, and right now that's happening. So many things, from all aspects of my life. It's crazy. It's scary. But it's life, and God willed it to be so. It sucks that sometimes you only entertain what's really important in life when bad shit happens.

"The world has its way of making you believe that it is full of hate and negativity… I mean it sends you all these situations that just beat you, break you, tear you up in pieces, and finally even make you feel as if you’ve been killed in some way.. because your capacity to love has been diminished.. I think God continuously sends you BAD, so that when you finally receive the GOOD, you’ll know it.. and cherish it.. and appreciate it.. he sends you bad so you know when the good, is the good God gives you pain and hurt and sorrow so that he can make sure that when he gives happiness to you.. you will surely appreciate it.. everything is just as it should be.."

It's funny how I come across that quote today of all days. It's from an old friend and I've quoted this same quote before. This quote though is hard to swallow. I guess it depends on your mood. Because everything always gets better. It just depends on when. I guess waiting for the good is the worst and hardest part. It sucks.

I don't even know what I'm writing about. I wish I could let you in a little more. But this is the best that I can do. Even in times of sorrow and hurt, I can't write like I used to. I don't know what holds me back. I wish it didn't.

Anyway, God, I know you're listening.

That's all.
_ _ _ _

current read: The Aeneid of Virgil
current music: Konstantine - Something Corporate

Friday, February 6, 2009

People like Jason Mraz inspire me... write cool, funny, and interesting blogs.

Then I realize I'm not as talented, I'm not as interesting, and I bet my entire savings that no one reads this. It makes me sad, but then I turn on my itunes to some people like Jason Mraz, and I feel much, much better.

Two more days till I start my next semester of school. I might die before I will be able to post again.

Save me?

current music: Sleep All Day - Jason Mraz
current read: Choke - Chuck Palahnuik
