Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I was reading my old Xanga and LiveJournal and I got really sad. I used to write all the time. Now when I come to this blank posting page, nothing ever comes to mind. Maybe I did more interesting things back then? Maybe I was less insecure? I'm older now. Aren't I supposed to do more interesting things now? Shouldn't I be more secure with myself. Aren't I supposed to be 'wiser'? That's what's depressing. Because, apparently I'm not. On the brighter side...maybe I'm just too busy to write. Or, maybe I don't have as much problems as I once did.

Either way, I used to go straight to my online journal right when I got home sometimes posting twice a day. Now, I'm lucky if I get two entries a month. So, I'm on a mission (once again) to try to post more. This season of Lent, I will try to do that as well as my vegetarianism and my self-improvement...

What do I need to improve, you ask...?

Things I need to work on:
1. Being more understanding.
2. Being less selfish
3. Patience (although you would think by now, I'd be pro at that..)
4. Being less envious of little things.
5. I always let things get to me. I'm weak in that way, and I need to stop.
6. Strengthen my faith

I'd like to think that I'm a better person than I was before..but at times thinking about the way that I am now compared to before, it doesn't seem like it. With that said, this is going to be a very busy Lenten season for me. Wish me luck.

I can't shake the feeling of nostalgia that I've been since I read my old online journals. I'm even listening to really old music thus enhancing the experience. It makes me sad and happy at the same time. Damn you, nostalgia. I can't figure out how you're supposed to make me feel.
_ _ _

Anyway, today's mass was very rejuvenating. I miss going to confirmation, being a leader, and going on retreats (great more nostalgia). I need to take extra time to start building up my faith again. Especially considering all the stuff that's going on right now. It's just that school is so damn time consuming, you know? And if it's not school, it's work. And if it's not that, then I'm catching up on sleep. Maybe that's what it was. Maybe I just had much more time on my hands back then. Maybe I don't have time to reflect on my day and myself anymore. Damn, I feel old.

Man, I have a lot of things to do to better myself. And it's going to start now. Take this as a sworn statement. And if I don't follow through, quote me on everything I'm saying here and MAKE me.

But now, I have to go back to reading Lucretius and his opinion about the universe. Oh, JOY.
_ _ _ _

That's all.

Current Read: Lucretius - On The Nature of The Universe
Current Listen: Something Corporate - Punk Rock Princess

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