Monday, February 23, 2009

Life sucks...and then you die.

This week has not been the best. By far. So much gloomy shit is going on not excluding the weather. The sun better come out soon, both literally and symbolically, because I don't know how much more I can take.

Besides my personal problems, there is so much other bad going on that it makes me feel so ignorant and naive thinking about how much my problems are so minuscule compared to what is really going on. Things aren't fair and life really is too short. The things that really matter better be on top priority because you don't know when it will be taken away. Sometimes things happen that make you re prioritize your life, and right now that's happening. So many things, from all aspects of my life. It's crazy. It's scary. But it's life, and God willed it to be so. It sucks that sometimes you only entertain what's really important in life when bad shit happens.

"The world has its way of making you believe that it is full of hate and negativity… I mean it sends you all these situations that just beat you, break you, tear you up in pieces, and finally even make you feel as if you’ve been killed in some way.. because your capacity to love has been diminished.. I think God continuously sends you BAD, so that when you finally receive the GOOD, you’ll know it.. and cherish it.. and appreciate it.. he sends you bad so you know when the good, is the good God gives you pain and hurt and sorrow so that he can make sure that when he gives happiness to you.. you will surely appreciate it.. everything is just as it should be.."

It's funny how I come across that quote today of all days. It's from an old friend and I've quoted this same quote before. This quote though is hard to swallow. I guess it depends on your mood. Because everything always gets better. It just depends on when. I guess waiting for the good is the worst and hardest part. It sucks.

I don't even know what I'm writing about. I wish I could let you in a little more. But this is the best that I can do. Even in times of sorrow and hurt, I can't write like I used to. I don't know what holds me back. I wish it didn't.

Anyway, God, I know you're listening.

That's all.
_ _ _ _

current read: The Aeneid of Virgil
current music: Konstantine - Something Corporate

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