Thursday, May 28, 2009


I love the discovery of new music. I'm pretty sure most people do. But, there's something about it that makes me so happy and excited, like I want to tell everyone I know about what I just found out regardless if they would like that type of music or not because deep down I really and truly want them to like it too. It would make it just that much better. I guess music has that kind of power. It does that to you sometimes.

And it's not just that. I realized that there's different levels, I guess you can say, of excitement according to how the music moves me. Okay okay let me explain. I think I can, for simplicity sake, divide it into three different "levels." So here goes.

The first one, in no necessary order, is the cleverness of the lyrics. If it's something that hits you, or makes you think. GAH. Something that makes you say "Damn, I wish I wrote that" or "how the hell did this artist just sum up all my feelings in one line?" Wordplay included, but not even just that. Simplicity can be amazing when its honest. I don't really have a specific rubric, but it's kinda like when you hear it, you just know. And when a song has compelling lyrics like that, I just have to tell someone about it.

Then, there's the harmony that's included in the music. When it's this "level" that catches me, I'm not even paying attention to the lyrics at this point. Something that has good harmony behind it makes me think, "Hmmm, I wonder if my sister and I could learn this song?" I want to learn the harmony even if it's a boy part because I like it that much. There's true genius that goes behind creating harmony and I love that. If there's great harmony behind a song, I definitely get excited.

The last level, I think, is somewhat of a cop out level because it's not really a specific thing. This is more like an overall type level. Like, what mood does this song give off, or how do I feel just listening to this song. It doesn't even have to have lyrics, for example, the song Your Hand in Mine by Explosions in the Sky. Or it could be acapella with no music. It just has to give off a feeling. I think I subconciously made this the last level because a song has to be DAMN good to give off a feeling. To me, at least. And if a song is THAT amazing, I'm definitely getting excited.

I don't even know if this blog has substance. I only chose to write this because I started thinking about this and was inspired by Mandy Moore's song Merrimack River. It's weird, but so good. And I like when a song can be weird, but still be good. I think it's the mood level. However, it also has unbelievable harmony. I love it!! You should take a listen.

Anyway, I have to go back to watching So You Think You Can Dance. (fave show!) Then, continue our Harry Potter Movie Marathon pt 2!!! :)

That is all.


current read: revolutionary road (still)
current music: Mandy Moore - Pocket Philiosopher

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